उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस भर्ती और प्रोन्नति बोर्ड recently released a recruitment notification of UPPRPB Recruitment for available jobs vacancies in उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस भर्ती और प्रोन्नति बोर्ड for सिपाही posts.
Online applications for vacancies of सिपाही posts will open for everyone from 01 May 2025 until the last date of applications.
The last date to apply online application for this job in उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस भर्ती और प्रोन्नति बोर्ड is 30 June 2025, so we request every candidate to apply before the last date of online applications.
Before applying for a job, we request every interested candidate to check complete details of eligibility criteria and different requirements for these सिपाही posts vacancies.
UPPRPB – Vacancy Details
Post Name | Vacancies | Salary | Location |
सिपाही | 30000 | Rs.21700-69100/- | उत्तर प्रदेश |
UPPRPB Recruitment – Important Eligibility / Requirements
To apply for UPPRPB सिपाही posts your educational qualification must be according to उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस भर्ती और प्रोन्नति बोर्ड rules and requirements.
Eligibility Details
Post Name | Eligibility |
सिपाही | 10वीं और 12वीं उत्तीर्ण |
The candidate will only be eligible for this job if his/her age is the same as required by उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस भर्ती और प्रोन्नति बोर्ड rules and requirements for सिपाही posts which are given below.
Age Limit Details
Post Name | Age Limit |
सिपाही | Min 18 to Max 28 years |
Physical Requirements
Physical | Male | Female |
ऊंचाई | 168 u0938u0947u092eu0940 (u0938u093eu092eu093eu0928u094du092f u0935u0930u094du0917), 160 u0938u0947u092eu0940 (SC/ST) | 152 u0938u0947u092eu0940 (u0938u093eu092eu093eu0928u094du092f u0935u0930u094du0917), 147 u0938u0947u092eu0940 (SC/ST) |
सीना | 79 u0938u0947u092eu0940 (u092cu093fu0928u093e u092bu0941u0932u093eu090f), 84 u0938u0947u092eu0940 (u092bu0941u0932u093eu0928u0947 u092au0930) | u0928u094du092fu0942u0928u0924u092e 40 u0915u093fu0932u094bu0917u094du0930u093eu092e |
दौड़ | 4.8 u0915u093fu0932u094bu092eu0940u091fu0930 (25 u092eu093fu0928u091f u092eu0947u0902) | 2.4 u0915u093fu0932u094bu092eu0940u091fu0930 (16 u092eu093fu0928u091f u092eu0947u0902) |
Application fees for this job for all interested eligible General / OBC candidates are Rs.400/-, for ST / SC candidates is Rs.0/- so candidates have to pay given online application fees to apply for सिपाही posts job vacancies.
The selection process of candidates will be based on लिखित परीक्षा, PET, PST, दस्तावेज सत्यापन, and other required tests as per उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस भर्ती और प्रोन्नति बोर्ड rules.
How to Apply for UPPRPB Recruitment [ Complete Guide ]
Type of Application Form |
Online Application |
Application for this job of उत्तर प्रदेश पुलिस भर्ती और प्रोन्नति बोर्ड is online, so all interested eligible candidates can apply for this job online from uppbpb.gov.in before the last date of online application 30 June 2025.